Saturday, 11 August 2018


 With a wry smile, I ask myself out loud, what is actually Paranormal nowadays? I'm loathed to think I actually comprehend any of it. Like a tumbleweed, I can see the enthusiasm day by day blowing away! Living up to the image of a neurotic, emotionally prone older woman I find myself staring at the screen via the Fantastic World of Facebook and empty my pot of expletives on a daily basis!

Step away from the Computer they say, take no notice they say, meditate a bit, chill out to the point of taking a damn Paracetamol or two they say... Drama, drama!

So imagine the scene a year or so ago, when into my radar, comes this man, Mr Paul Buxton, via a message on Fantastic Facebook. I'm alerted to the fact he's now a partner Manager of the Cage Witches Prison in Essex. I remember the fact I laughed to myself at the thought someone contacting me about this place rather than the owner and think just another crock?  Consequently, his activities, words etc, left a lot to be desired by the masses and I began to take notice with the usual hands in the air expressions and the shaking of my head! I could never have thought his name would ultimately be added to my history of that house and continue to irk my every nerve to this day!

This mans Psychic/ Mediumistic 'gifts'left me with a bad taste in my mouth and I found myself gritting my teeth at the view of his Channelling skills on videos, and I would dare to go as far as saying to others that the thought of him and others in the Cage House, would lead to yet another dark period in the promotion of this much sort after Paranormal Location. and to my joy and dismay entwined, I was proved right months later... out with the old and in with the new as the saying goes! I was concerned but not ultimately surprised when I was informed after, about  the behind the scenes antics of this Management team but the face to the name went out of my mind until it crept back a few months later in the form of the Exorcist Extraordinaire, the Soul Saver, the Pied Piper of spiritually harassed children and Manchester's answer to the Vatican Prayers.

He seemed emphatic enough for me and others, namely Phil Warr, to take an avid notice of his activities. Through a website that was sparse, to say the least, to the first Facebook Live he did, it was alarming enough to hear comments made towards the Mental Health Profession and the role of the Catholic Church, with regards Exorcisms and/Spirit Attachments removals, that were freely bounded about by this man, but it was swiftly escalated to shock at his comments regarding Spirit Attachments on Children. Regardless of peoples views on Exorcisms whether Paranormal enthusiasts or not, it cannot and should not escape peoples attention that these are minors that are being spoken about, in order to further his fame status. It has been claimed that in regards to Spirit Attachment  removals on children even on a 2-year-old child, that has been openly spoken about on Social Media by this man, to the point of saying that all children who have an imaginary friend are in fact hounded by spirits and that once they lose the imaginary spirit around the age of 8, that the Spirit doesn't like being ignored and then goes on to blight that child's later life!  Any young person who is afflicted with, in his own words, suspicious behaviour such as anger issues, being quiet, depressed, pisshead, druggie etc. would be a probable candidate for attachment. Regarding the two-year-old, he maintains because the child cried for no reason at all, she had a Spirit Attachment which he also maintains was the spirit of an 8-year-old boy and the method of removal was opening a portal in another room, away from the child and telling the ''little shit'' to sod off out of there. It could be thought that the parent of this child was delusional in their pain of not having a happy child and contacted this man but manipulation of an unstable upset mind can also be thought of, because I cannot comprehend a parent of any child, allowing a man, who freely boasts that he has no qualifications, no formal training, no DBS checks done and clearly has anger issues, to be performing something that only a trained person, namely a Vatican trained Priest of many years experience, should be doing!

Regarding the Catholic Church, whatever your Religious beliefs, they have been trained in performing Exorcisms and recognise that every case is individual in itself and even then will NOT perform anything resembling an Exorcism without first seeking medical and psychological answers firstly. It seems Mr Buxton can guarantee immediate recognition of a 'nasty' spirit and remove that Spirit within 15 minutes. Its an absolute wow to imagine this man from Essex is better trained without any training, than the Vatican Priests he so dearly wants to dismiss and all because of the Hollywood film 'The Exorcist'? Yes, you read it correctly his basis for his new 'career' move is literally taken from the Exorcist film and the Insidious Film, I should think Hollywood would be very proud of the fact these two films have generated a complete Spiritual Mastermind such as Mr Buxton, who cooly compares himself to a Heart Surgeon.

I would hasten to add his next piece of magic seems to be a Magic Carpet, as he travels regularly to other countries to perform these Spirit Attachments/Exorcisms. Cheaper than Ryanair I suppose and no security checks;). He seems delusional enough to state he is in high demand because of his 100% success rate and so incredibly lucky not to have been being bothered by the pesky Spirit attachments through all the years he's been doing this but then again he is on first name terms with the Devil himself. How lucky is he that the dark lord appeared at the Cage and took one look at Mr Buxton, turned and left through that little parlour door (however did he manage to get those horns out!) . How lucky is the owner that she can now state that Lucifer himself visited her haunted home ! .

All joking aside I think the concerning factor has to be the fact that he claims Mental Health conditions are probably Spirit Attachments, it is utterly indescribable the pain and anguish this mans comments and actions can have upon those very people, their treatment and families. This comes at a time when the Mental Health professions are trying their hardest to bring awareness of Mental Health conditions to all concerned. It does not enter my head that any medical person will sit a patient down and say ' yes you're hearing voices but could it be a dead person you picked up at your local haunt! I would think that the Mental Health Patients who are first trying to understand what is happening to them and then take that step to ask for help, wouldn't even envisage the thought that a dead person is making them go nuts as Mr Buxton says.  And then to the rescue comes Mr Buxton and all well with these patients who have suffered for years with something he magically has cured in 15 minutes. It could be argued that those impressionable people would hang off his every word that this is exactly what he does, if it were not for the fact I have in my possession , many screenshots detailing conversations he has had with a man who has suffered from many years of Mental Health issues such as Schizophrenia, Depression and asked Mr Buxton for help only to be told it was, in fact, the Medical Profession that has caused his ongoing Mental Health problems, along with his medication ! To later contradict himself that he did also have a Spirit Attachment that is gladly lending a hand in playing chess with his emotions. This all done through linking a picture of the man, not even using his magic carpet trick of Astral Travel. This being the preferred method he now operates from. cheaper for the customer too it seems, because get him to travel to your home it's gonna cost a lot of petrol money! But the removal is only £50, cheap at half the price huh!

I certainly don't sit at my computer, well actually I do because I work from home ;) but I don't blight my day  with the likes of Mr Buxton, but I also, when contacted about this kind of ridiculous spectacle, won't ignore it so that he hopes it goes away and hides because its not going to . The comical thing is he is now upset at the fact he has been asked on several occasions to answers some general questions regarding his activities, which in the Paranormal Community is first and foremost on peoples minds when learning about the unexplained! Yet he's now above that level it seems and has resorted to shouting Keyboard Warriors at those he dares questions his authenticity . I am happy to provide anyone with these screenshots if they so wish but due to contact details which i havent removed yet, i wont be putting them on here .


Wednesday, 11 July 2018


Once upon a time, there was a Witch called Ursula Kempe, who suffered a terrible injustice put upon her in the 1582 Witch Trials of Essex.

As it is, the history books will rightfully continue to tell her story throughout that time, but once upon a time also, in or around 1582 also, there was a man, a hardworking man , who is still remembered to this day for being someone he never was! And so it begins;

Ursula lived her life in the small rural village of St Osyth in the county of Essex, with her 8-year-old son Thomas. A healer by some accounts, she was accused of Witchcraft by another villager Grace Thurlow, this stemming from disagreements between the two. Arrested, she was imprisoned in the local lockup, known today as the Cage, along with 13 other women, they were questioned by the local Magistrate Brian D'arcy, a formidable man, with a distaste for 'Witches', and then transferred to Colchester Gaol to await their individual fates.

Ursula eventually found guilty, and hung along with Elizabeth Bennett, in Chelmsford, you would think the story for future historical records, would end there......

Lets fast forward a few hundred years to  1921 and go back to the Village of St Osyth, namely 37 Mill Street and a local resident by the name of Charlie Brooker, made a macabre discovery of a skeleton in his back garden. Buried in a North/South direction, the tale of Ursula Kempe was about to be born again! Local gossip resulted in the claims of the skeleton being that of the infamous St Osyth resident and so many flocked to pay a few pennies, to view her in her pitiful resting place in number 37s' garden! This charade went on for over 10 years, netting Mr Brooker a tidy sum in the process. That was until his home burned down mysteriously and the skeleton was recovered and forgotten. Some say a discarded cigarette left unattended started the fire? , a faulty household appliance? Some deeper thinkers out there would go as far to say it  was poetic justice for disturbing the dead in more ways than one!

In 1963, the skeleton was uncovered, yet again, by Mr Brookers son in law, who planned to rebuild at the location. Meanwhile in Boscastle the owner of Boscastle Museum,  Mr Cecil Williamson, hearing about the skeleton, expressed a deep interest to buy it and display it at the museum, him too believing that it was indeed Ursula Kempe.

After a lengthy delay, she was eventually transported to Boscastle in Cornwall, where she stayed on display until ill health forced Mr Williamson to 'sell' her on, thus resulting in the famous artist Robert Lenkiewicz purchasing her and transporting her remains to the Plymouth in 1999.

Mr Lenkiewicz died in 2002, and the skeleton story comes alive again! Upon agreement between his estate and Mr John Worland, the remains were transported back to Essex! It was decided that the skeleton should be finally extensively examined and Wessex Osteoarcheologist Jacqueline McKinley was appointed the task. Through her fascinating findings, it was concluded that the skeleton was not that of the famous St Osyth Witch but was, in fact, a man!  A man of heavy build, height estimated at 5ft 8in, a hardworking sturdy build of a man, whose age was estimated in the early 20s. During the timeframe of these findings, it was revealed and mentioned in various newspaper reports, that iron spikes found on the bones of the skeleton all those years ago, were deliberately put there AFTER it was unearthed by persons unknown. This, assuming, to enhance the story that it was Ursula Kempe.  It was also revealed by the Osteoarcheologist, that staining found on the upper part of the skeleton, indicated that he wore a bronze medallion when he was buried at Mill Street, this vanished after it was unearthed!

Through all the upheaval drama of being branded one of the most famous Witches in Essex, the male skeleton was eventually laid to rest with dignity in a local St Osyth Churchyard, albeit in a North/South direction as he was originally buried. It still amuses me to this day, that despite numerous records to the contrary, people still insist on the skeleton being Ursula Kempe. It brings to mind the saying ... research and research some more because sometimes the truth is hidden away just waiting to be unearthed!

Useful links ( a condensed article on the story, i wrote for the Spooky Isles Magazine